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MUHAMMAD UNIVERSITY OF ISLAM’S PHILOSOPHY is to provide our children with the essential knowledge of self and God, as recognition of God is the proper beginning point for understanding every discipline of learning. “One of the things that separate man from beast is knowledge. Knowledge feeds the development of the human being so that the person can grow and evolve into Divine and become one with the Creator. True education provides the proper cultivation of one’s gifts, talents, mind, body and spirit by bringing us closer to fulfilling our purpose for being, which is to reflect Allah [GOD}” Minister Louis Farrakhan.

God says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). A child must be trained daily. To train means to exercise, to discipline, to teach and form by practice. When a child is trained, it becomes part of his character to do what he has been taught, and training must take place all through the day every day.